WhoisGuard contact information is displayed in the publicly-accessible Whois database, replacing your name and contact details. Your personal information remains private. This means you're safe from telemarketers, junk mail and identity thieves.
WhoisGuard replaces your email address in the Whois database with a unique xyz.protect@whoisguard.com address. Every email sent to this address is filtered and then forwarded to an email address of your choice, drastically reducing the amount of spam in your inbox, while ensuring you receive only the legitimate ones.
When you register an eligible new domain name or transfer an existing eligible domain to Host Guru, you'll receive WhoisGuard privacy protection absolutely FREE for as long as you keep your domain with us.
Update your settings any time you want. It's easy to enable and disable WhoisGuard from within one simple control panel. Or get in touch with our support and we can do it for you.
Without privacy protection, you're leaving your domain (together with your website) open to hackers. With your contact information exposed, you're providing clues that certain individuals might use to gain access to your account or transfer your domain to another registrar.
A laid-back approach to privacy can result in your details being used by a con to answer security questions and gain access to your private accounts. By blocking your details, you make it way harder for someone to hack into your accounts.
Due to registry restrictions, WhoisGuard cannot be used with .asia, .gg, .ca, .cn, .uk, .co.uk, .de, .eu, .in, .id, .me.uk, .nu, .li, .ch, .fr, .sg, .com.sg, .org.uk, .us, .es, .com.es, .nom.es, .org.es, .com.au, .net.au, .paris, .vote, .voto, .nyc, .to, or .org.au domains.
Please note that WhoisGuard subscription expiration is based on purchase date rather than activation date.
WhoisGuard subscriptions can be used on domains registered with Host Guru only.